Erol Josué


21st-century renaissance man, Erol Josué, is a singer, songwriter, dancer, actor, playwright and Vodou priest who, in his music and inspirational performances, celebrates the spiritual essence of Haitian Vodou religion, blending sacred chants and rhythms with elements of funk, jazz, rock and electronic sounds, on a mission to communicate Vodou’s positive principles of community and resilience to the wider world. His latest album, Pèlerinaj (Pilgrimage), reflects his personal odyssey from his childhood in Kafou, through several years spent in Paris leading a dance company, then in New York, where he recorded his first album, Regleman, a musical representation of a Vodou ceremony, and then Miami, before returning to Haiti in 2012, where, alongside his continuing activities as an international emissary of Haitian culture, he is the director general of the National Bureau of Ethnology in Port-au-Prince.

Starts 26. Oct., 00:45. Ends 26. Oct., 01:30.
Theatre Stage